Urban Outfitters


Photography & Design Collide

Urban Outfitters is a subset of the URBN corporation, a company behind three of the most trendy, popular brands in the young adult/adult clothing market. Urban Outfitters, in particular, is a long standing brand and now not only sets the bar for fashion trends, but also provides those clothes at a wide scale of prices. Their style is primarily retro-bohemian, but can range to very vintage or modern clothing as well.

When designing the look book and direct mail materials, I wanted the aesthetics to be the meeting of clean, modern tones and bohemian, rustic charm- much like the company it represents. As a photographer as well as a designer, I coordinated, styled, and shot all of the photos for the projects myself. This shoot featured two different models- one who represents the softer side of Urban Outfitters and the other the harder, more modern side -in a selection of clothing from the brand. The locations and tones in the photos reflect Urban Outfitter’s bohemian and rustic aesthetics and their closeness to nature- present in the brand’s ecological initiatives.